Growing Your Business with Pinterest Marketing

Pinterest Are you Growing your business with Pinterest if not you could be missing out on a thousands of visitors to your site, found out what all the talk is about. In order to get started with Pinterest marketing, it is important to know what exactly Pinterest is and how popular are they on the web. Pinterest is basically a new social network that allows you to have your own virtual pinboard online where you can organize all the favorite things that you love on the web like photos, videos, and articles you read online or products and share them with other pinterest users and friends.

Some people on pinterest may use it to share their favorite clothes, shoes, or handbags others may share their vacation photos or a new YouTube video the possibilities are endless.So how popular is pinterest, at the time of this post they are ranked #68 on alexa rankings.

Pinterest is enjoying millions of visitors daily and according to web analysts, the websites number of unique visitors has increased over 500% from September 2011 to present. Pinterest has increased its user base to over 3.3 million. The website is currently ranked fifth ahead of other social networks such as LinkedIn and Google+.


Pinterest Features

Pinterest has a number of unique features such as pins, Pinterest bookmarks, and pinboard. These features among others allows Pinterest users to visually curate, share, and discover new interests and preferences by posting (which is popularly known as ‘pinning’) videos or images on other peoples or personal pinboards. In Pinterest, pinboards are a collection of pins having common themes.

Pin – a pin is a image that you add with pinterest “Pin it button from your browser.  You can also upload an image that comes from your computer to pinterest. When you pin an image from a website using the pin it button that image will also link back to the site.


Pinboards – is a set of pins that you can create on any topic like Recipes, Books, favorite movies etc. There is also no limit to how many pins you add.

Likes – is when you see other pinterest users pins you have the option to like their pins.


Pins can be integrated to your browser through a special button called the “Pin It” button that lets you grab and add images from other websites and add them onto your pinboards you also have the option add an description about the image with 500 characters and tweet it on twitter I highly recommend you add this description because it can really bring out what the image means to the visitors.   Pinning is an important Pinterest marketing feature because it automatically picks the source links and credits original creators of images. There also other features such as like buttons that are common in other social networks used to endorse pinboards.


Building your business on Pinterest Marketing

Pinterest popularity enables you to build your business on Pinterest. This can be done if you create a credible profile with a friendly photo also do your research well and know who your target audience is. In order to be successful in Pinterest marketing, you have to create a great profile and also be able to share your pins with targeted Pinterest users and knowing what their intentions are when they are on pinterest you may also want to know what are the age range, which gender is more likely to visit pinterest, the income levels, and much more.

The best way of doing this is by researching, and HItwise to know your target audience.  Own every social network there is a reason why people come to that particular social network you just have to find out why and which offer he/she is looking for at that time.


1. Keeping your Pinterest profile updated

One way of creating a great profile that markets your business effectively is by ensuring that your profile is regularly updated.   A good way of keeping an up to date pinterest profile is launching daily pins. This is because it provides an excellent opportunity to regularly promote your brand with up to date information. The best way to do this is to come up with catchy slogans description under 500 characters to your business initiatives so that your images get re-pinned by other pinterest users.  Daily pins help in maintaining repeat visitors because visitors come looking for new updates and items.


2. Change it up don’t just be a self-promoter

A great profile that is effective for Pinterest marketing should also have variety of things to pin. Most people are obsessed with promoting products their profiles. This strategy sometimes becomes ineffective as most users will start to notice you are only on pinterest to market people get bored of following such profiles. It therefore more advisable to post unique variety i.e. suggestions/fun posts among other interesting stuff.  To keep your followers interested you need have variety of things in your profile.


3. Sharing your pins

Sharing your pins with other Pinterest users is also an effective Pinterest marketing strategy that can help you to build your business on Pinterest.  One of the best ways of sharing your pins is by following the big hitters in Pinterest because it is by the best way of raising awareness about you and your company. By following popular figures, they also follow you back, and in the process you can effectively share your pins and spread the word faster about your product or service.


4. Adding pinterest to your Facebook timeline

Adding Pinterest to your Facebook timeline is also another great marketing strategy that you can use to attract more traffic to your pinterest profile.  We all know Facebook is one of the top social network site and has millions of users combining these two services would definitely increase your traffic.  So let’s look at how to add pinterest to your Facebook timeline.


First you want to log into your pinterest account.  Next go to the top right hand corner where you username is and click then go to settings then scroll down to you see the facebook then just click on for facebook timeline and your done.

Pinterest Facebook Timeline



Make sure to click save profile after you are done also at any time you can also deactivate this at any time


5.  Add the Pinterest Button to your website

To find the pinterest button visit


6. Pinterest Mobile

If you are using a iPhone try the pinterest mobile app  to promote your store or brick and mortar business pin a great looking cake, or pin a new dinner dish you can even add a location so people will know where it’s at to get the word out.



With the rising growth of pinterest I would highly recommend setting up a profile on pinterest is already in the top five social networks and rising, connecting with other pinterest users and  building relationships is the place to be so get started today and start expanding your business. If you like to join me on pinterest checkout Image Courtesy: flickr methodshop

About The Author

Anthony Johnson

Anthony Johnson is an Online Business and Marketing Coach with over 7yrs of Marketing exp. online in wordpress, analytics, facebook marketing, mlm, seo and much more. Also have a Degree in Computer Technology and a Certificate in Computer Service and Repair and is very passionate about helping Individuals and Small Business Owners Succeed by Growing your Business with Internet Marketing. Affliliate Disclaimer Some blog post may contain affiliate links, which means when you click the links I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you


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