Today was a frustrating day I ran into a code error called HOOKERR_NONOTIFYWINDOW but I finally got DragonNaturallySpeaking Premium 11.5 back working again its seems to be a common problem if you are running adobe flash on your computer. Luckily DragonNaturallySpeaking has a great tech support and great articles to find answers to your problems. I was able to find more information on this error code and figure out what to do to solve this problem quickly.
When you can figure out things on your own without speaking or chatting with an sales representative that is a very satisfying feeling. The problem started when I was trying to create some new content but was unable to get DragonNaturallySpeaking working.
Two of my programs were conflicting, it seems that Adobe shockwave was interfering with Dragon NaturallySpeaking and I was unable to use the program.
I was able to correct this issue by disabling some add-ons I was so glad that I was able to fix this problem so quickly and also build my confidence up until the next problem comes my way.
Which I’m am sure that I will be able to conquer as long as I don’t give up. The point that I’m trying to get across is that you’re going to to be challenged when you’re doing Internet marketing but you should look at those challenges as a way of improving your skills and building up your confidence.
You are always going to be running in to difficult problems but every time you run into a difficult problems it makes you even stronger and more knowledgeable about the subject so the next time when someone has the HOOKERR_NONOTIFYWINDOW or a similar problem to yours you will have the experience and know-how to help that person solve that problem and make yourself look like an authority figure.
So now let’s get into how to solve the problem.
Here is an image of the HOOKERR_NONOTIFYWINDOW error that I was getting in Dragon NaturallySpeaking. I also have to add in that I’m using Windows 7 so if you’re using this operating system is more likely that it will work for you.

And here are the steps that I take to solve the HOOKERR_NONOTIFYWINDOW problem if you ever run into this issue
First you want to disable the Protected Mode in Adobe X Reader
Go to Adobe Acrobat X. click Edit > Preferences then click on General Tab scroll all the way down to the bottom of the Preferences page and make sure to uncheck the “Enable Protected Mode

After unchecking the “Enable Protected Mode at startup you are going to get a message like this:

Caution: Disabling the Protected Mode at startup should solve the problem with the HOOKERR_NONOTIFYWINDOW error. But you may also have some problems watching YouTube and Vimeo videos and reading certain document content.
If you have this problem, you should remove Adobe Reader X and install an older version of Adobe Reader .
Make sure to click “Yes” and restart Adobe Reader Application
Next Step: Is disabling adobe flash on your web browsers to make sure the problem is solve make sure its (version 11.3.300.257) before you proceed.
How to Disable Adobe Flash Plugin in FireFox
Click on FireFox Tab go to the menu and click on “Add-ons > Plugins”. Choose the “Shockwave Flash” plugin (version 11.3.300.257) and click on “Disable” when you do so it will change to enable but it is disable and you will know this because the word disable will be in parentheses like so (disable) . After doing so click close and restart FireFox.

How to Disable Adobe Flash Plugin in Internet Explorer
Open Internet Explorer and go to “Tools > Internet Options > Programs > Manage add-ons > Choose the “Shockwave Flash” plugin and select “Disable”. Make sure that Toolbars and Extensions is selected in the Add-ons column then scroll down to Adobe Systems Incorporated. After doing so close and restart Internet Explorer.

What I hope this article was useful and has solved your problem with the HOOKERR_NONOTIFYWINDOW error if this article has been helpful make sure to leave a comment and suggestions if I have left anything out. If you think disabling your adobe flash is a problem you can also try to use a previous version of adobe flash here is the website for more information If for some reason this does not work you can always uninstall Adobe Flash.